ZION pt. 1

I want to talk about Zion today.

I am of the firm belief that Zion will be built upon the foundation of Godly marriages. It must be. If we cannot achieve Zion with our spouse, we will not achieve it with anyone else.

I’m not saying that Zion will be comprised solely of married couples, it obviously won’t be. But it will surely be initiated by some few couples who have overcome the world together.

It is entirely possible for Zion to be upon the earth at this very moment.  In fact it is. It is found within Holy Marriages. A relationship that is of one heart and mind and has no poor within it. 

Poor is most obviously associated with money, but surely we must apply it to our souls and spirits and hearts as well as the physical aspects of our lives. 

And what of one heart and one mind? What does that look like between a husband and wife, let alone a larger group of people?

In my opinion it means that you are all in. You’ve jumped off the fence and made a choice. You are no longer lukewarm, vacillating back and forth in your commitment and devotion to God. 

You’re 100%. Your desire is for God first and foremost above all other things.

It is also my opinion that: It is only in that condition of complete commitment and devotion to God, that a person can then come into complete and total devotion and commitment to their spouse. Our marriage relationship is a direct reflection of our relationship with God. Our marriages can only reflect Godliness to the degree that we ourselves are Godly.

It should be pointed out that agreement and sameness are not really part of the description of Zion. We do not need to agree on all things(or even most things!), and we do not need to be the same to be Zion. 

We need to be completely and totally devoted to God and their cause, namely the immortality and eternal life of mankind. 

One heart and one mind in our devotion to God. Nothing more and nothing less. 

When we are completely and totally devoted to God, that opens a channel within us and God can come and dwell within us and then we can learn to be like God. And when we are like God we can take joy, and pleasure even, in all of our differences. We can see the beauty in this great endeavor called life. We don’t dispute or disagree in a spirit of contention, we do it in a Godly way.

If we can achieve a state of Zion within our marriage, God will dwell amongst the two of us. 

A long time ago, when my husband and I were engaged, we were discussing something and I told him that I viewed our relationship as a triangle. God was the top point and I was one bottom corner and my soon-to-be-husband was the other bottom corner. 

I have recently considered that and have modified it a bit. I have come to realize that the triangle was always meant to become a line. God, at the top point was God–male and female, as one single point. 

The two points at the bottom of the triangle were always meant to move progressively closer and closer until they too, become one single point. 

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.”

One flesh with one heart and one mind.

God told me many years ago that the feminist movement had to happen so Zion could come.  That was NOT the answer I was expecting while I was praying. But I accepted it and understood that it came with the caveat that there are many aspects of the movement that are toxic and highly destructive, but at the most basic level, the equality of the sexes was required before Zion could return.

It was also clear that it was equality, value, and worth that was needed. Not sameness.

There are many destructive forces at work that are specifically designed to destroy men and women and their marriages. It has been this way from the very beginning of this earth. And we are seeing the culmination of it in highly distressing ways. 

On October 27, 2024 Stephanie Snuffer said the following in her talk at the Obtain a New Heart Conference:
“Anything that life depends on has to be put through what is called destructive testing. So all of your structural metals have to be destroyed to figure out their strength. Their ability to keep planes together. Concrete in its created form has to be destroyed in order to determine its strength. Because if these things fail, then lives are put in jeopardy….Anything life depends on has to be put through destructive testing.”

What an interesting thing to consider in the context of a marriage relationship.

If a relationship is going to be eternal, it must be tested to the exact opposing degree that it is to ascend. 

As the saying goes, No tree can grow to Heaven unless its roots reach down to Hell.

That means that if it's going to ascend up to the highest heavens and be an eternal relationship in the realm of the Gods, it must descend down into the depths of hell and come out intact on the other side of extreme testing.

Testing that will actually destroy the relationship, if we won’t let it endure and purify it instead.

Godhood is not for the faint of heart.

My own marriage went through this sort of destructive testing in 2017. Of course at the time, I had no idea about these kinds of things and it was very difficult. 

I think that our relationships go through these tests all the time and if we cooperate with the process(even unknowingly) then the tests seem to increase in pressure until there comes a culminating test in this life.

Of course, as I write this I am struck with the thought that maybe there is another even more difficult testing phase for my marriage. But when I was told that my marriage was sealed, I was also told that my husband and I would not have to endure this kind of test again–that we had passed it, that there would be difficulties in the future to be sure, but not between the two of us ever again.  It took me more than a year before I really trusted that this could be true.

But now as I think more on it, I can see that this promise applies to this life and that in future lives moving in upward progression, there will of course be other “destructive tests” as we ascend higher and higher. 

Godhood is not for the faint of heart indeed.

Interestingly, when we were in this very difficult time, my husband said: "Perhaps we are supposed to go through this."

I didn’t really like to hear him say that at the time. But now, several years later, after having received promises and importantly having bore real, tangible fruit in my marriage, I can see that we were indeed supposed to go through it. And I thank God that we did.

I’m reminded of a quote I wrote down some time ago. I’ve no idea where I found it. 

It says: The universe is going to smack you down, tell you it's impossible, and make you brave a darkness equivalent in strength to the Light you seek.

…make you brave a darkness equivalent in strength to the Light you seek. I like that.

I stated at the beginning of this post that I firmly believe Zion will be built on the foundation of Godly marriages. I also firmly believe that Zion is “waiting” for women to understand and step into their divine roles in their marriages.

Afterall, marriage is The Holy Order of Matrimony, not Patrimony.

I think I’ll explore this in the next post.


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