What if...
By treating sacred scripture as a logical, linear text, we cut ourselves off from the experience the texts were meant to create. The result? Religion becomes theory instead of transformation, knowledge becomes intellect instead of vision, and the path to God is lost. All because we read a mystical text like scripture, like a logic puzzle as if it is primarily a history or a story, but it is not merely a historical story or even an argument—it is supposed to be an initiation into direct experience with the unchanging God. For the entire history of this earth, mankind has taken sacred knowledge meant to awaken the soul and turned it into a dry religion meant only to stimulate the intellect by “studying” sacred knowledge in exchange for direct experience. What if the scriptures are not meant to be intellectual but initiatory, designed to lead people beyond rational thought and into direct experience of God? By distorting the teachings, modern religion(organized and not) cuts ...