
What if...

  By treating sacred scripture as a logical, linear text, we cut ourselves off from the experience the texts were meant to create.  The result? Religion becomes theory instead of transformation, knowledge becomes intellect instead of vision, and the path to God is lost. All because we read a mystical text like scripture, like a logic puzzle as if it is primarily a history or a story, but it is not merely a historical story or even an argument—it is supposed to be an initiation into direct experience with the unchanging God. For the entire history of this earth, mankind has taken sacred knowledge meant to awaken the soul and turned it into a dry religion meant only to stimulate the intellect by “studying” sacred knowledge in exchange for direct experience. What if the scriptures are not meant to be intellectual but initiatory, designed to lead people beyond rational thought and into direct experience of God? By distorting the teachings, modern religion(organized and not) cuts ...

Hot Tip for a Sexy Date Night

In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up next weekend, I'm going to give you a hot tip so you can have a sexy date night.  Tip: Have an honest and vulnerable conversation. Yep, it turns out that vulnerable conversations are a big turn on. More so than a new technique or lingerie. In couples that have a really great sex life, across the board, the most common denominator is that they have open, vulnerable conversations often.  That’s not always easy to do of course, but great sex begins with your mouth…your words to be exact.  Over the years I have purchased a few card games that are meant to help facilitate these kinds of conversations. I got one a few months ago that I think is the best one I’ve come across.  It’s called: How Deep Will You Go?   I just got an email saying that it is 40% off right now, so I thought I’d pass a link to their website in case any of you are interested. If you don’t want to buy another “thing”, there are different lists of question...

The battle's afoot, are you praying?

I was cleaning out my nightstand and came across a book I purchased several years ago from a christian book store. It is called: The Power of a Praying Wife . It is a book about the author’s experience using powerful prayer to save her marriage and it is structured around about 30 different aspects of a man’s life and marriage. She shares a little about each topic and then provides a scripted prayer that a wife can read/pray and allow the spirit to guide her in the way that is needed.  I think the real power in the book lies in it opening the door to approaching problems in a different, but powerful and purposeful way, instead of being a victim of life.  As I opened the book and scanned through the pages, I remembered when I bought it, and why. It was during the “destructive testing” period my marriage went through about 7 years ago. I was really suffering and this book caught my eye. One of the biggest turning points in my marriage was when I realized that I was not the sole...

The Feeling Formula

I’m sure we’ve all been through phases in our marriage where it feels like you’re in a battle rather than an intimate relationship. You know how it is, every conversation becomes a potential conflict and every moment is met with defensiveness instead of empathy, how it feels like you are constantly attacking or on guard, protecting yourself from perceived attacks rather than opening up to your spouse in vulnerability. You feel like your relationship is broken, struggling, very little trust is found and deep connection only feels like a frustrated dream. I think we’ve all been there, and it really sucks! It’s so hard when you feel like your spouse is your enemy. A few years ago God taught me something about my marriage. I suppose it was something I have heard before, but this time it stuck. I understood it. I was shown that when my husband and I were fighting and at odds with each other, I viewed us as being enemies. I saw us as being on opposite sides, that we were against each other....

My soul doth magnify The Lord

I have been speaking of a very high standard for men in several posts on this blog and I want to explore an aspect of what a woman looks like as a counterpart to that kind of man. There are many features of the feminine, of course, she is big and expansive. She is like water and pours into many different parts of life, but I want to speak of one sacred quality of the divine feminine today. For the scriptural definition, I will go to Ephesians 5:22-25. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. This is saying that the husband is to his wife as Christ is to the church. So quite literally, we women should reverence and devote ourselves to our husband in the same way that we are commanded to do so to Jesus Christ. A woman is to give herself to her husband and a man i...

It is wisdom that you learn these things

When I first started this blog, I intended to write it geared more towards women. After all, who is writing to women? Where do we find holy writings written by women for women? Where do we find the “prototype” of the saved woman? We simply don’t. The scriptures are sparse to say the least. I have tried to write my posts as I feel impressed to do so by the spirit and it turns out that, for the moment, this blog is actually geared more to you men who read it. This has been interesting for me to experience. I have discussed this with my husband a lot and he agrees -Men need to hear what I have to say to them. As I have stated in various ways over several posts, a marriage can begin to ascend, only when the man is willing to rise up. A woman stepping into her fullness is dependent on her husband stepping into his fullness. I expect that is triggering for women, and perhaps some men, to read. But it is true. This is why: This world is very unsafe for the feminine, divine or not. I have lon...


The eternal principle of Consecration to God permeates a truly sacred marriage. If we look at the order of covenants in an LDS temple endowment, we will see that it is impossible to enter into a covenant of consecration(at least in its fullness in the eternities, which is really what the temple is pointing us towards) until a covenant of marriage has been entered into.  A marriage established by God is meant to bring the fruits of the union not only to the couple, but it is also meant to benefit the world. The fruits of a holy marriage bring what is divine in each partner into greater manifestation, making each one a truer reflection of who they really are. At its most foundational level it is a spiritual bond. (To be very clear, I am NOT talking about the absolute foolishness that abounds with terms like “spiritual wife”, “soulmates”, “spiritual spouse” or anything of the sort that seeks to justify any intimate relationship, emotional or sexual, with anyone except your legal hus...