ZION pt. 2

The Holy Order of Matrimony.

The word “matrimony” comes from the Latin word matrimonium, which is a combination of the word “matr”, which comes from the word “mater” in Latin, which means “mother” and is the root of the word “matter”. The word “Ma” is used all over the world, in every language and is where we get Aima, Mother, Ma, Amma, Minerva, Maria, Mary, Mira, Maya, Mara–all of these are names of the Divine Mother.

The second part of matrimony is monium, from Latin, which means “action, state or condition”. When we put those two words together, we can understand that the highest meaning of matrimony is: “the action, the state, or the condition of the Divine Mother”, or more directly: “the state or condition from which the Divine Mother can act.”

This is a very profound thing.

The marriage of husband and wife is the state or condition through which the Divine Mother can act. It is through the union of the male and female that the forces of the Divine Mother can descend and act in the world. 

In ancient Hebrew tradition the concept of the “Divine Mother”, often referred to as the Shekhinah, was understood to be most fully present when a man and woman are united in marriage, as their union symbolically represents the reunification of the divine masculine and feminine aspects of God; essentially, bringing the divine presence closer to the physical world through their sacred partnership.

The Shekhinah is a feminine Hebrew word that means a dwelling of Divine presence, in Kabbalah, the Shekhinah is the feminine aspect of God, often personified as a divine mother figure. When a man and woman marry, they are symbolically reuniting the separated divine energies, allowing the Shekhinah to manifest more fully in their lives. This concept emphasizes the importance of a couple’s commitment to a righteous and loving relationship to fully embody the divine presence through their union. In Tantra, there are two main focuses at a foundational level. First, the integration of divinity into our physical life and second, the merging of the masculine and feminine to bring us back to unity and bliss. According to some Tibetan authorities, anciently, monks who took a vow of celibacy and dedicated their lives to silence believed that to attain the highest levels of enlightenment they would have to have a sexual encounter with a woman. Presumably a woman trained in the arts of sexual enlightenment! 

To be clear, I am only sighting these sources to point out that there is a common thread that runs through most ancient traditions concerning the sacred union of male and female. 

Much like there is a common thread of a creation story and a great flood, this union of man and woman hints at an ancient tradition that originates from the very beginning. But time has a way of distorting the truth and we are left with only hints here and there at this late hour.

There is much more that can be said on this topic, but this is not the place. A sacred space within a temple is. This concept of the sacred union of male and female, as all Holy things are, has been corrupted and devolved into many ungodly practices. The things I am speaking of apply strictly to a husband and wife striving to make their marriage holy and in no other relationship.

My point in speaking of these things is to show that Women have a birthright too. It is the Divine Feminine. It empowers her to do certain things. 

Denver Snuffer has hinted at this in his talk: Our Divine Parents, when he explained that The Mother endowed her daughters with the power to give life. 

A woman also has rights concerning her husband. 

There is a(supposed) Cherokee proverb that goes like this: “A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul, so as to unite him with Source. Her lowest calling is to seduce, separating man from his soul and leave him aimlessly wandering. A man’s highest calling is to protect woman, so she is free to walk the earth unharmed.”

In Avraham Gileadi’s book, Isaiah Decoded, he describes the ascent of a man and woman to the level of sons(and daughters) of God in an intriguing way. On page 216 he says:

“In a real sense, a woman gives birth spiritually to her husband as her deliverer. Just as the Woman Zion gives birth to God’s servant at a time of trouble in the ‘last days’, so a wife’s challenge is to inspire her spouse to come into his own during his descent when the going gets rough….  She directly participates in his “rebirth” or “re-creation”, sanctifying him, as he sanctifies her. The word for marriage in Hebrew (qidusin) itself means “sanctification”, denoting a process through which two people become “holy”. The woman’s role of helpmeet reflects this “power of two”...In effect, in the marriage covenant a wife gives herself to her husband, whereas the husband gives himself for her, being willing to endure all things for her sake that will ensure her happiness and protection and that of her children.”

I expect most of us are familiar with the idea that the role of the woman is to choose and initiate certain things. Here is a quick list off the top of my head:

-Eve giving Adam the fruit.

-Rebecca choosing Jacob over Esau

-Mary the Mother instructing Jesus to do something about the wine at the wedding.

-Mary, Jesus’ wife, anointing him with spikenard. 

-Mary, Jesus’ wife, alone at the tomb with the Lord, embracing him. (Note that many ancient cultures have the tradition of a Savior God suffering and dying and being resurrected. An interesting aspect of these ancient traditions, that we’ve lost nowadays, is that there is always a Goddess that is a vital part of that ritual, including the resurrection of the God.)

-In the scripture that the Lord gave us to replace section 132, when a marriage is entered into the Lord covenants with the woman first.

-Denver Snuffer said many years ago on his blog that: "No man has ever been elevated to a throne in eternity who was not placed upon it by his wife."

-He also said that the role of women is greater than most have imagined.

-This past April, Denver Snuffer stated in The Holy Order talk that: "The covenant-making to secure a throne requires the direct participation of the woman…Therefore expect the woman/mother/wife/priestess to be involved directly with covenant making, who positions her husband in the Holy Order."

-When I was told that my marriage has been sealed, I was also told by the Lord that, "A marriage can only become sealed when the woman will have it be so."

-I was also told more recently while deep in ponderous prayer that, “It is the woman’s right to declare her husband’s worthiness”.

I will conclude this by saying that I believe a large part of “what we are waiting for” concerning the establishment of Zion is for women to learn who they are.

Women are the great initiators, like Eve giving the fruit to Adam. When women learn their role, Zion will come.


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