Happy Winter Solstice!

 2 Chronicles 3:15 tells us:

“Then he set up the two pillars at the entrance of the temple, one to the south of the entrance and the other to the north. He named the one on the south Jakin, and the one on the north Boaz.”

This is interesting for a few reasons. One being that the placement of the pillars indicates that the temple entrance faced east. It is likely that one pillar aligned with the winter solstice and the other with the summer solstice, thus allowing them to orient the entrance to true east. 

The other reason is what I am going to talk about today. The two pillars. This is an ancient architectural design used all over the world. Two pillars flanking the entrance to a holy place. The two pillars symbolize balance and unity between the masculine and feminine, the middle path that lies ahead of the disciple, that sort of thing.

In sacred geometry, the vesica pisces is another shape that conveys similar ideas. It is the shared space when two bodies come together. It is the predominant shape found in cathedrals all over Europe and its foremost objective was to communicate the entry into sacred space. 

I’m sure there are many variations on this lore, but I really love this one. It is a Celtic myth that utilizes the symbology of the two pillars. 

To the druid sages these two pillars were symbolized by two of their most sacred trees. The white birch that symbolizes the Mother principal, a presence that is said to have existed before either time or space was created. This is the limitless ocean of love and mercy, present from before the formation of the lower worlds in Celtic lore. It is the endless ocean of being from which all arises. 

On the other side, was the mighty elder tree. This tree was the expression of the divine masculine principle that was knotted and gnarled by its journey through the worlds of suffering. 

It was said that the pure, unblemished love of the Mother had the power to heal the wounds of the Father after his sojourn in the lower worlds. Believers knew that it was between these two trees that each one of us stands on the One Nameless Day, the Day of Judgement, when we will come face to face with our creator. 

Always remember, even the darkest night ends with a new dawn. Happy winter solstice!


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