Men, of all the things you can desire...

 Proverbs 3:15 says: “She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.“ 

I actually prefer the NIV which reads: “She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare to her.”

Further in chapter 31:10-11 it says: “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her…”

The Greek word translated as virtue is Dynamus, which means strength or power.  Our word dynamite comes from this word and it actually means tremendous power. The suffix “ous” means to be filled with or full of.

A virtuous woman is a woman filled with or full of tremendous power.

The word that is translated as “rubies” is actually the word for pearls. The pearl was the standard of excellence in the scriptures. The pearl of great price. This is speaking of the bride price. It is saying that a virtuous woman’s “price” is far above the standard for excellence. In fact so far above it that nobody can even afford this price.

Men, this means that of ALL the things you could possibly want on this planet, NOTHING compares to having a virtuous woman. Nothing. All of the things a man may desire will never compare with being given access to the fullness of his wife’s heart, to be given the crown she has for him buried deep within her heart.

If you are married, you should have it as a highest priority in your life, that you become the kind of man that a woman is safe to step fully into her divinity with. 

You must figure this out. It is time. It is long past time. We are out of time. We are standing on the precipice of what Nephi spoke of, saying: “...the time will come, says the Lamb of God, when I’ll bring about a great and awe-inspiring work among mankind, one that will be everlasting–one way or the other–either to convince them, resulting in peace and life eternal; or to give them up to their hard hearts and blind minds…”

We are running out of time. We must stop wasting away our days of probation and repent while we can. We must connect to God and learn the sound of his voice. Wisdom would guide us to do this work while we are in peace because the stress that will come about as prophecy is fulfilled will make it very hard to hear the voice of God if we have not already become familiar with it. 

Stop being half-assed about this. Make a choice and jump in with both feet, come hell or high water. Choose your side. Completely. Be 100% all in, not 80/20. Not 90/10. Not 99/1. Give it ALL to God. Take a stand with God. Face the enemy full on and never back down. Be a Godly man. Set your face like flint. 

There comes a point in time where you have to ask yourself whether you are in fact, doing what you came to do in this world. We must remember who we are. We must awaken to a sense of who we really are and what we are really here for. Men, you must lead in this. You are the leaders, the providers, the protectors. This burden falls on you and you must bear it, because if you don’t, no one else will. The enemy has sought to destroy men, to make you inadequate and powerless because without men, this world is easy prey. We need you to step up and into your spiritual power! Please!

You need to bring absolute clarity to your wife and marriage…to any situation in your life. This must begin with you locating that within yourself first. 

This is why there might be trust issues, or a woman might not feel safe when her man approaches her in a certain way–the way a man is holding himself, or how he is saying what he’s saying. If there’s a lot of confusion already present in his attempt to show up in some capacity, she very much knows this on an unconscious level and it’s going to leak out into how he handles her. 

If she were to ask you: “What do you want from me?” or “Why am I in your life?” You need to be able to look her in the eye and communicate, whether it’s for 5 seconds or 5 hours, EXACTLY why you have chosen her to be in your life. With absolute knowing and certainty. This is the point that men need to get to, with everything you do. Any direction you move in–you need to know exactly why you are going in that direction. 

And I’m just going to say here, as a woman, THAT is sexy. That is the kind of man a woman wants to submit to. That is the kind of man it is safe to submit to. When you are really clear on what you want and why you want it–she will be able to follow you. She might not even agree with you on everything (she probably won’t!), but she can still follow you because she feels the strength in you.  She senses your ability to “move on your toes” in any given moment where you need to be alert and aware.

This level of certainess and clarity is coming from your highest self, that part of you that is connected to God. It comes from going into that place inside of you where god and the devil meet. The darkness and the light. And making a choice. Seeing yourself. Knowing yourself. Trusting yourself. You must confront the illusions of your fear.  

You can know if you are in this state of being by how your woman moves around you, how she’s responding to you, how she’s reflecting you back. There will be no doubt about when you are in it. She will be reflecting it back. Life will reflect it back to you. 

The more willing a man is to do his own inner work and be acutely aware of is own issues, and tendencies, and temptations—the more willing and able his woman will be to let her guard down and expose her heart and step fully into her soft, sensuous, feminine nature—an exquisite place where he can find rest and rejuvenation.

His reward that is buried deep in her heart is so great and vast and exquisite that it surpasses all things, except perhaps the love of God. But I would argue that to receive a fullness of the love of God, a man is required–or rather it is related to his ability and right to receive his wife’s love. Because we can only experience God to the degree that we are like them, and they are first and foremost, a gloriously united couple, bound inseparably together as one. 

Wisdom is better than rubies and all of the things one may desire, cannot be compared with her. ALL of the things a man may desire will never compare to being given access to the fullness of a woman’s heart, to be placed upon her throne….all else pales in comparison.


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