It is wisdom that you learn these things

When I first started this blog, I intended to write it geared more towards women. After all, who is writing to women? Where do we find holy writings written by women for women? Where do we find the “prototype” of the saved woman? We simply don’t. The scriptures are sparse to say the least.

I have tried to write my posts as I feel impressed to do so by the spirit and it turns out that, for the moment, this blog is actually geared more to you men who read it. This has been interesting for me to experience. I have discussed this with my husband a lot and he agrees -Men need to hear what I have to say to them.

As I have stated in various ways over several posts, a marriage can begin to ascend, only when the man is willing to rise up. A woman stepping into her fullness is dependent on her husband stepping into his fullness. I expect that is triggering for women, and perhaps some men, to read. But it is true. This is why: This world is very unsafe for the feminine, divine or not. I have long thought that the devil has had a very specific agenda to destroy women from the very beginning. And I think I’m right.

If men do not create an energy field within and around them of complete solidity with God, the divine feminine can never show up fully in their marriage. It is impossible. It cannot be faked.

The scriptures are replete with examples of how a saved man behaves. Example after example, prophet after prophet, situation after situation. Now, I must state the obvious here and say that, of course, much that we learn in the scriptures is universal and applicable to men and women. That Jesus Christ is the Savior of men and women and our only way out of this place. We all know this. But we need Wisdom to move toward Zion.

Regardless of the universality of the gospel, for millennia, women have felt forgotten, ignored and marginalized, secularly as well as within the “church." I have heard so many women say: Where is our place? What is our role? Are we important?

I have always been blessed with a sense of my own value before God. I have always known that my value was on equal footing with men. But I have great sympathy for many women who have questioned their value, because this world has done its best to make the value of women questionable! And now, here I am speaking to men!

My great desire is to empower you men to step into your God given roles and emulate the great prototype of the saved man. This is why: When a man does this, his wife will intuitively respond to the changes that take place within him. The prototype of the saved woman is within each woman, it is her divine nature. It is buried under many layers of protection and when her man finally makes it safe for her to unbury herself, she will do it without even thinking about it. It is within her nature to do so.

Again, to state the obvious, I am speaking of marriages that desire to rise up and become more, become one, become like God. I am fully aware that many people are not in that place in their spiritual maturity and I am not speaking of them.

So, if any of you men wish your wife would step up and embody the divine feminine more in your relationship, I say that the ball is in your court. Create a safe container for her to show up. Become the safe container that will hold her no matter what. As much as you are willing to emulate Jesus Christ is the degree to which she will be able to step into her fullness…and there really is no limit to it. Believe me, it is worth so much more than any sacrifice you must make to get there. She really is worth it.

I may have mentioned this in another post, but about 10 years ago I was praying to God about a movie I had watched that was about the rise of the “feminist” movement in the 1960’s. As I asked several questions in my prayer, the Lord answered me and said: “The feminist movement had to happen, or Zion could never come.” This was not the answer I expected at all! It was clear to me that this answer was not an endorsement of the Lord for “feminism”, but that at the very foundation of the movement is the truth that women and men are equal and without getting that cleared up, Zion could not come.

I feel like we all “know” that men and women are equal, but we don’t really know what that looks like in God. Or in Zion. I firmly believe that the foundation of Zion will be built upon holy marriages. So in my opinion, it is within our marriages that we need to start. Both men and women must step up into their God-given rights and roles, and it is the men that must facilitate this by coming to God with a broken heart and contrite spirit, holding nothing back, offering their whole heart as an acceptable sacrifice. Being lifted up and being filled with the spirit of God until this scripture becomes your reality:

"Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is."

I want to state to you men who read my blog, I hold you in the highest regard. I know many of you personally and I think you are really great and I know that you are seeking after God. I want to encourage you to continue, to commit even more in your efforts. You must! This world is waiting for Godly men to appear and usher in Zion.

I have heard many people say: “When will we learn more of the Mother in heaven? When will the “prophet” teach us about her? When will we be given Wisdom?” We have been trained to look to men to teach us, even of the divine feminine, but I have long believed that it is the right and privilege of a woman to teach of Her. She is our birthright after all.

I will testify that the words I am speaking on this blog are in alignment with Wisdom and if you will sincerely approach God about the changes that you need to make, They will respond and empower you.

She says in Proverbs 8: 32-36-“Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children, for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul, all they that hate me love death.”

I’m going to end with a quote from Denver Snuffer’s Our Divine Parents talk (emphasis is mine):

“Before this creation, the Mother in Heaven was with the Father. She was beside Him when His work began. She was there when the plan was laid, the boundaries established, and the compass applied to establish order for the creation. All the Father knows, the Mother knows. All the Father established and ordered, the Mother established and ordered. They are One. She is the Father’s “delight” and the potential of Her sons to be like Her Husband brings Her delight. 
To be like their Father, Her sons must become one with Her daughters, for it is not good for man to be alone. The Father and Mother are “one” and Her sons and daughters must likewise become “one.” Only when the man and woman were together was the creation “good.” When men rebel, disobey, act cruelly or mistreat Her daughters, we are anything but a “delight” to the Heavenly Mother. When we offend Her we also offend Her Husband. 
Before any of us will plan, measure, set a compass, and apportion the foundations of another earth, we must grow together and become like Them. Their work is glorious. They possess love –the power that creates and organizes. Love is the power behind all They do. We cannot be like them without a loving relationship that mirrors Theirs.”


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