Dear Men,
I am going to do a 2 part series. One for men. One for women. I have decided I will start with the men. Because, when all is said and done, it is the divine masculine in men that must be tapped into to create and be a space of safety for the divine feminine to show up. A woman who is willing to expose her heart, to be vulnerable and open herself up–mentally, emotionally and physically, is very appealing to a man. It is sexy. It is what he wants. The unfortunate irony is that if her man is not working on and being aware of his own issues, that makes him an unsafe place for her to let her guard down and expose her vulnerability. And yet, in most semi-healthy relationships, if the woman will show some vulnerability and let him see her pain, that will quickly polarize him into a more masculine energy—because she is embodying her feminine energy. So it becomes a bit of “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” My husband and I have gone back and forth with each other discussin...