
Showing posts from November, 2024

Dear Men,

I am going to do a 2 part series. One for men. One for women. I have decided I will start with the men. Because, when all is said and done, it is the divine masculine in men that must be tapped into to create and be a space of safety for the divine feminine to show up.  A woman who is willing to expose her heart, to be vulnerable and open herself up–mentally, emotionally and physically, is very appealing to a man. It is sexy. It is what he wants.  The unfortunate irony is that if her man is not working on and being aware of his own issues, that makes him an unsafe place for her to let her guard down and expose her vulnerability. And yet, in most semi-healthy relationships, if the woman will show some vulnerability and let him see her pain, that will quickly polarize him into a more masculine energy—because she is embodying her feminine energy. So it becomes a bit of “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” My husband and I have gone back and forth with each other discussin...

The Great Yin-Yang

  " The Yin-Yang is a concept that originated in Chinese philosophy describing an opposite but interconnected, self-perpetuating cycle. Yin and yang can be thought of as complimentary and at the same time opposing forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts and the parts are important for cohesion of the whole. " -That is Wikipedia's introduction of the Yin-Yang concept. I like it. Anyone can observe that the universe exists in a state of balance. Masculine and feminine energy are the two primary components of the entire universe. There needs to be an opposite in order to charge, complete and move the current flow in an electrical circuit. With no up, there is no down. With no left, there is no right. With no yang, there is no yin. Feminine energy is a free-flowing energy with no form or structure. Comparatively, masculine energy is a very rigid and structured energy. A woman that is walking in her divine feminine ...

Knock and the door shall be opened to you

   I feel like one of the biggest obstacles we face on our journey back to God is balancing our knowledge about God with our lived experience of God. At some point we must address more than just our mental understanding of God. We must engage in an intimate personal relationship with God that transforms us and uplifts our life as well as others around us.   Jesus said: Knock and the door shall be opened to you; seek and ye shall find. In this brief admonition, he reveals that the path of spiritual illumination is one that we must actively choose for ourselves. We are invited over and over in scripture to “go within” to connect with God. - Go inside our “closet” to pray - ”Be still, and know that I am God” - ”Get up and climb the mountain. So I got up and climbed the mountain and prayed to the Lord.” (one of my personal favorites!) I think we can assume that, while the mountain Nephi is speaking of may have been a mountain near him that he climbed to the top of, we c...


 Men are meant to lead their wife and family under the guidance of Wisdom. We know that “Wisdom” means we are talking about The Mother. But what does that actually mean? What does that look like in our lives? How do we get past  “just discovering the abstract presence of ‘wisdom’ as a characteristic attributable to the Mother in Heaven”  and instead  “discover Her existence and acknowledge Her–otherwise we have not ‘found’ Her. When She declares ‘Whoso findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favor of the Lord.’, it should be taken literally.”  (D.S. Divine Parents talk) How do we “find” Her? And what do we do when we do find her? It’s all still a bit vague. I’m going to suggest that one very important role of women is to be that “connection” to Wisdom. To be the vessel through which Wisdom can flow into her life and particularly into her marriage. Remember, marriage is The Holy Order of Matrimony. It is the feminine’s domain. All women have as their birthright ...

ZION pt. 2

The Holy Order of Matrimony. The word “matrimony” comes from the Latin word matrimonium, which is a combination of the word “matr”, which comes from the word “mater” in Latin, which means “mother” and is the root of the word “matter”. The word “Ma” is used all over the world, in every language and is where we get Aima, Mother, Ma, Amma, Minerva, Maria, Mary, Mira, Maya, Mara–all of these are names of the Divine Mother. The second part of matrimony is monium, from Latin, which means “action, state or condition”. When we put those two words together, we can understand that the highest meaning of matrimony is: “the action, the state, or the condition of the Divine Mother”, or more directly: “the state or condition from which the Divine Mother can act.” This is a very profound thing. The marriage of husband and wife is the state or condition through which the Divine Mother can act. It is through the union of the male and female that the forces of the Divine Mother can descend and act in t...

ZION pt. 1

I want to talk about Zion today. I am of the firm belief that Zion will be built upon the foundation of Godly marriages. It must be. If we cannot achieve Zion with our spouse, we will not achieve it with anyone else. I’m not saying that Zion will be comprised solely of married couples, it obviously won’t be. But it will surely be initiated by some few couples who have overcome the world together. It is entirely possible for Zion to be upon the earth at this very moment.  In fact it is. It is found within Holy Marriages. A relationship that is of one heart and mind and has no poor within it.  Poor is most obviously associated with money, but surely we must apply it to our souls and spirits and hearts as well as the physical aspects of our lives.  And what of one heart and one mind? What does that look like between a husband and wife, let alone a larger group of people? In my opinion it means that you are all in. You’ve jumped off the fence and made a choice. You are no lon...

A Holy Marriage

  In 2020 something amazing happened. My marriage changed. Something significant happened in the dynamic between my husband and I, and I suddenly became aware of a shift. It was subtle at first. I pondered on it every day for about 4 months. It became all consuming, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I prayed many times asking God what was going on? What was happening? And most importantly-PLEASE, don’t let it stop! As mentioned, it was about 4 months from when I first noticed a distinct shift to when the Lord answered me. I had settled into a warm bath on a cold December night. I pulled out my phone and began to play a mindless game, as I was playing I was once again thinking about all the changes in my marriage and wondering at it all. I was told by the spirit to put my phone away and ask about it all again. So I did. I was immediately answered. I was told many things, but the most pertinent to this story is that I was told that my marriage has been sealed for eternity by the Holy...